I’m Edward, a Computer Science and Mathematics student at Brown University. I’m originally from Jakarta, Indonesia, and grew up in Singapore. I have a strong passion for systems, networks, and security, but I also love diving into functional programming, self-hosting, computer graphics, formal methods, computing education, quantitative finance, Rust, web design, cryptography, game development, dev tools, and open-source software. Outside of tech, I enjoy discussing public transportation, urban planning, and mathematical philosophy.
At Brown, I’ve made frontends and backends with Full Stack at Brown and programmed fun games with Brown RISD Game Developers. I’ve also been a TA for an introductory CS course, a systems course, and a networks course, and this spring (2025), I’ll be TA-ing Designing High-Performance Network Systems. I also work as a systems programmer for the CS department, where I help manage department machines, develop software, and tackle security vulnerabilities. Previously, I was a development intern at Serre Lab, where I worked on ClickMe for human-aligned AI research.
Last summer (2024), I interned at the D. E. Shaw group, working on Linux process isolation and security. Next summer (2025), I will be interning at Jane Street!
I also love hackathons-there’s nothing better than collaborating with friends on a fun project. Some of my favorite hackathon projects include an AI-powered Dockerfile builder, a gamified programming platform, and a physical adblocker.
Feel free to reach out via email at edward_wibowo [at] brown [dot] edu or find me on LinkedIn!

A photo I took in Labuan Bajo, Indonesia.