Isomorphism Classes of S-Decorated Simple Graphs

By Edward Wibowo

1. Introduction

This exploration will use the following definitions.

Using these definitions, we seek to explore the following question.

To aid our exploration, we define a way to categorize l:V(G)Sl : V(G) \to S using ordered lists. We refer to these representations as the ordered list representation of ll.

For example, suppose S={a,b}S = \{a, b\} and GG is a graph with 33 vertices. If ll maps all vertices to aa, then the ordered list representation of ll is [a,a,a][a, a, a]. If ll maps one vertex to aa and the other two to bb, then the ordered list representation of ll is [a,b,b][a, b, b]. We note that the choice of which vertex is mapped to aa and which two are mapped to bb is irrelevant; any ll that maps one vertex to aa and the other two to bb is represented as [a,b,b][a, b, b].

Next, we observe that for any number of vertices nn and any SS, if (G,l)(G, l) is isomorphic to (G,l)(G^\prime, l^\prime), then ll and ll^\prime share the same ordered list representation. This is formalized in the following lemma.

Proof. Suppose (G,l)(G, l) and (G,l)(G^\prime, l^\prime) are SS-decorated isomorphic. Then, there exists an isomorphism ϕ\phi from GG to GG^\prime such that l(v)=l(ϕ(v))l(v) = l^\prime(\phi(v)) for all vV(G)v \in V(G). Without loss of generality, suppose we enumerate GG and GG^\prime as V(G)={v1,v2,,vn}V(G) = \{v_1, v_2, \ldots, v_n\} and V(G)={u1,u2,,un}V(G^\prime) = \{u_1, u_2, \ldots, u_n\} such that ϕ(vi)=ui\phi(v_i) = u_i for all valid ii. Then, we write the following equalities:

l(v1)=l(ϕ(v1))=l(u1)l(v2)=l(ϕ(v2))=l(u2)l(vn)=l(ϕ(vn))=l(un).l(v_1) = l^\prime(\phi(v_1)) = l^\prime(u_1) \\ l(v_2) = l^\prime(\phi(v_2)) = l^\prime(u_2) \\ \vdots \\ l(v_n) = l^\prime(\phi(v_n)) = l^\prime(u_n).

Using the above equalities, the lists

[l(v1),l(v2),,l(vn)]and[l(u1),l(u2),,l(un)][l(v_1), l(v_2), \ldots, l(v_n)] \quad\text{and}\quad [l^\prime(u_1), l^\prime(u_2), \ldots, l^\prime(u_n)]

must have the same elements in the same order. So, these lists must be identical. Hence, ll and ll^\prime must share the same ordered list representation.

2. Example Case

To achieve a better understanding of the problem, we count the number of isomorphism classes of SS-decorated simple graphs with 33 vertices and S=2|S| = 2. By Definition 2, an isomophism between two SS-decorated simple graphs (G,l)(G, l) and (G,l)(G^\prime, l^\prime) implies GG is isomorphic to GG^\prime. Contrapositively, if GG is not isomorphic to GG^\prime, then (G,l)(G, l) and (G,l)(G^\prime, l^\prime) are not SS-decorated isomorphic regardless of the choice of ll and ll^\prime. Hence, we will count the number of SS-decorated isomorphism classes for each of the 44 isomorphism classes of simple graphs with 33 vertices.

The four isomorphism classes of simple graphs with 3 vertices.

Figure 1. The four isomorphism classes of simple graphs with 33 vertices.

Without loss of generality, let S={a,b}S = \{a, b\}.

We start with the first isomorphism class, which consists of simple graphs with 33 vertices and no edges. We can enumerate all possible ordered list representations of ll as follows:

  1. [a,a,a][a, a, a]
  2. [a,a,b][a, a, b]
  3. [a,b,b][a, b, b]
  4. [b,b,b][b, b, b]

We note that any graph with 33 vertices and no edges are isomorphic, and the isomorphism can be any bijection between the two vertex sets. This means (G,l)(G, l) and (G,l)(G^\prime, l^\prime) should be SS-decorated isomorphic if ll and ll^\prime share the same ordered list representation as we can just pair up same-labelled vertices in GG and GG^\prime.

We capture this line of reasoning in the following lemma

Proof. Suppose ll and ll^\prime share the same ordered list representation. We shall construct an isomorphism ϕ:V(G)V(G)\phi : V(G) \to V(G^\prime) such that l(v)=l(ϕ(v))l(v) = l^\prime(\phi(v)) for all vV(G)v \in V(G).

Since ll and ll^\prime share the same ordered list representation, we can create nn distinct pair of vertices (v,u)(v, u) where vV(G)v \in V(G) and uV(G)u \in V(G^\prime) such that their labels match (so l(v)=l(u)l(v) = l^\prime(u)). We can do this in a way such that no two pairs share the same vertex in GG or GG^\prime since ll and ll^\prime have the same ordered list representation and V(G)=V(G)|V(G)| = |V(G^\prime)|. Then, we can define ϕ\phi to be the function that maps vv to uu for each pair (v,u)(v, u).

We justify that ϕ\phi is a bijection. Since no two pairs share the same vertex in GG or GG^\prime, ϕ\phi pairs each element of V(G)V(G) with exactly one element of V(G)V(G^\prime) and vice versa. Hence, ϕ\phi is a bijection.

Since GG and GG^\prime are defined to be simple graphs such that any bijection from V(G)V(G) to V(G)V(G^\prime) is a graph isomorphism, ϕ\phi is also an isomorphism from GG to GG^\prime. Lastly, by construction, we have l(v)=l(ϕ(v))l(v) = l^\prime(\phi(v)) for all vV(G)v \in V(G).

Therefore, (G,l)(G, l) and (G,l)(G^\prime, l^\prime) are SS-decorated isomorphic.

Using both Lemma 6 and Lemma 5, each of the four ordered list representations of ll corresponds to a unique isomorphism class of SS-decorated simple graphs. Thus, there are 44 isomorphism classes of SS-decorated simple graphs with 33 vertices and no edges.

We also note that for any graphs GG and GG^\prime in the isomorphism class consisting of graphs with 33 vertices and 33 edges (so the fourth one depicted in Figure 1), any bijection from V(G)V(G) to V(G)V(G^\prime) is a graph isomorphism. So, by Lemma 6 and Lemma 5, the number of isomorphism classes of SS-decorated simple graphs with 33 vertices and 33 edges is also 44.

Now, we need to count the SS-decorated isomorphism classes of simple graphs with 33 vertices and 11 or 22 edges.

We analyze the second isomorphism class, which consists of simple graphs with 33 vertices and 11 edge. Lemmas 6 and 5 do not apply here since, for example, if the singular edge of GG maps to aa and the singular edge of GG^\prime maps to bb, then there is no SS-decorated isomorphism between (G,l)(G, l) and (G,l)(G^\prime, l^\prime). We count by cases of the ordered list representation of ll by considering the possible labelling of the unique singular disconnected vertex.

  1. Case [a,a,a][a, a, a]: If both ll and ll^\prime map all vertices to aa, then any graph isomorphism between GG and GG^\prime will also preserve the SS-decoration. Thus, this case has 11 isomorphism class.

  2. Case [a,a,b][a, a, b]: There would be 22 isomorphism classes in this case. The first class is where the singular disconnected vertex maps to bb and the other two vertices map to aa. The second class is where the singular disconnected vertex maps to aa and the other two vertices map to aa and bb.

  3. Case [a,b,b][a, b, b]: Similar to the previous case, there would be 22 isomorphism classes in this case. The first case is where the singular disconnected vertex maps to aa and the other two vertices map to bb. The second case is where the singular disconnected vertex maps to bb and the other two vertices map to aa and bb.

  4. Case [b,b,b][b, b, b]: This is equivalent to the first case, so there is 11 isomorphism class.

So, in total, there are 66 isomorphism classes of SS-decorated simple graphs with 33 vertices and 11 edge.

The same logic can be applied to the third isomorphism class, which consists of simple graphs with 33 vertices and 22 edges. In this case, the unique vertex would be the one with degree 22. Hence, there are 66 isomorphism classes of SS-decorated simple graphs with 33 vertices and 22 edges.

Therefore, our results can be summarized as follows:

Number of edgesNumber of SS-decorated isomorphism classes

Table 1. The number of isomorphism classes of SS-decorated simple graphs with 33 vertices.

bringing the total number of isomorphism classes of SS-decorated simple graphs with 33 vertices to 2020.

3. Linear Graphs

We further the exploration by answering Question 3 for linear graphs (i.e. paths) with nn vertices. More formally,

By definition, a linear graph is a simple graph with nn vertices and n1n-1 edges whose vertices can be ordered in a linear sequence such that the edges are between consecutive vertices in the sequence.

A linear graph with 5 vertices.

Figure 2. A linear graph with 55 vertices.

We define the notion of a label sequence of an SS-decorated linear graph.

We note that depending on the choice of which of the two endpoints is v1v_1 and which is vnv_n, the label sequence of a linear graph can be either Ll(G)L_l(G) or Ll(G)RL_l(G)^R. Using this definition, we provide and prove the following theorem about the label sequences of SS-decorated linear graphs.

Proof. Without loss of generality, suppose GG is a path v1,v2,,vnv_1, v_2, \ldots, v_n and GG^\prime is a path u1,u2,,unu_1, u_2, \ldots, u_n. We note

Ll(G)=[l(v1),l(v2),,l(vn)]andLl(G)=[l(u1),l(u2),,l(un)].L_l(G) = [l(v_1), l(v_2), \ldots, l(v_n)] \quad\text{and}\quad L_{l^\prime}(G^\prime) = [l^\prime(u_1), l^\prime(u_2), \ldots, l^\prime(u_n)].

We prove both directions of the biconditional statement.

    \implies Suppose (G,l)(G, l) and (G,l)(G^\prime, l^\prime) are SS-decorated isomorphic. Then, there exists an isomorphism ϕ\phi from GG to GG^\prime such that l(v)=l(ϕ(v))l(v) = l^\prime(\phi(v)) for all vV(G)v \in V(G).

Let ϕ\phi be an arbitrary SS-deocrated isomorphism from (G,l)(G, l) to (G,l)(G^\prime, l^\prime). Since ϕ\phi is edge-preserving, it must map v1v_1 (an endpoint of GG) to either endpoint of GG^\prime (so either u1u_1 or unu_n). We consider the two cases separately.

  1. Case: ϕ\phi maps v1v_1 to u1u_1: Since ϕ\phi is an SS-decorated isomorphism, l(v1)=l(ϕ(v1))=l(u1)l(v_1) = l^\prime(\phi(v_1)) = l^\prime(u_1). Furthermore, since ϕ\phi is edge-preserving, it forces ϕ(v2)=u2\phi(v_2) = u_2, so we also know l(v2)=l(u2)l(v_2) = l^\prime(u_2). We continue this reasoning for all pairs of vertices in GG and GG^\prime, allowing us to conclude Ll(G)=Ll(G)L_l(G) = L_{l^\prime}(G^\prime).

  2. Case: ϕ\phi maps v1v_1 to unu_n: Similarly, since ϕ\phi is an SS-decorated isomorphism, l(v1)=l(ϕ(v1))=l(un)l(v_1) = l^\prime(\phi(v_1)) = l^\prime(u_n). This forces ϕ(v2)=un1\phi(v_2) = u_{n-1}, so we also know l(v2)=l(un1)l(v_2) = l^\prime(u_{n-1}). Continuing this reason, we find that the lists

    Ll(G)=[l(v1),l(v2),,l(vn)]andLl(G)=[l(un),l(un1),,l(u1)] L_l(G) = [l(v_1), l(v_2), \ldots, l(v_n)] \quad\text{and}\quad \\ L_{l^\prime}(G^\prime) = [l^\prime(u_n), l^\prime(u_{n-1}), \ldots, l^\prime(u_1)]

    are identical. Consequently, we have Ll(G)=Ll(G)RL_l(G) = L_{l^\prime}(G^\prime)^R.

Thus, in both cases, we have Ll(G)=Ll(G)L_l(G) = L_{l^\prime}(G^\prime) or Ll(G)=Ll(G)RL_l(G) = L_{l^\prime}(G^\prime)^R.

    \impliedby Suppose Ll(G)=Ll(G)L_l(G) = L_{l^\prime}(G^\prime) or Ll(G)=Ll(G)RL_l(G) = L_{l^\prime}(G^\prime)^R. We argue by cases:

  1. Case: Ll(G)=Ll(G)L_l(G) = L_{l^\prime}(G^\prime): In this case, we shall construct an SS-decorated isomorphism ϕ\phi from GG to GG^\prime. Let ϕ:V(G)V(G)\phi : V(G) \to V(G^\prime) be the function that maps viV(G)v_i \in V(G) to uiV(G)u_i \in V(G^\prime) for all valid ii.

    ϕ\phi is bijective by construction since it pairs each element of either V(G)V(G) or V(G)V(G^\prime) with exactly one element of the other set. Furthermore, since GG is defined as a path v1,v2,,vnv_1, v_2, \ldots, v_n and GG^\prime is defined as a path u1,u2,,unu_1, u_2, \ldots, u_n, ϕ\phi is also edge-preserving.

    Since Ll(G)=Ll(G)L_l(G) = L_{l^\prime}(G^\prime), we have l(vi)=l(ui)l(v_i) = l^\prime(u_i) for all valid ii. Since each ui=ϕ(vi)u_i = \phi(v_i), we also have l(vi)=l(ϕ(vi))l(v_i) = l^\prime(\phi(v_i)) for all valid ii. Thus, ϕ\phi is an SS-decorated isomorphism from (G,l)(G, l) to (G,l)(G^\prime, l^\prime).

  2. Case: Ll(G)=Ll(G)RL_l(G) = L_{l^\prime}(G^\prime)^R: Likewise, we construct an SS-decorated isomorphism ϕ\phi from GG to GG^\prime. Let ϕ:V(G)V(G)\phi : V(G) \to V(G^\prime) be the function that maps viv_i to uni+1u_{n-i+1} for all valid ii.

    ϕ\phi is bijective by construction since it pairs each element of either V(G)V(G) or V(G)V(G^\prime) with exactly one element of the other set. Moreover, we can view ϕ\phi as relabelling the vertices of GG from v1,v2,,vnv_1, v_2, \ldots, v_n to un,un1,,u1u_n, u_{n-1}, \ldots, u_1. The resulting graph forms the path u1,u2,,unu_1, u_2, \ldots, u_n which is exactly GG^\prime, so ϕ\phi is also edge-preserving.

    Since Ll(G)=Ll(G)RL_l(G) = L_{l^\prime}(G^\prime)^R, we have l(vi)=l(uni+1)l(v_i) = l^\prime(u_{n-i+1}) for all valid ii. Since each uni+1=ϕ(vi)u_{n-i+1} = \phi(v_i), we also have l(vi)=l(ϕ(vi))l(v_i) = l^\prime(\phi(v_i)) for all valid ii. Thus, ϕ\phi is an SS-decorated isomorphism from (G,l)(G, l) to (G,l)(G^\prime, l^\prime).

In both cases, we have constructed an SS-decorated isomorphism from (G,l)(G, l) to (G,l)(G^\prime, l^\prime). Therefore, (G,l)(G, l) and (G,l)(G^\prime, l^\prime) are SS-decorated isomorphic.

Since both directions of the biconditional statement have been proven, the lemma is proven.

With Theorem 9, we have reduced the problem of counting the number of isomorphism classes of SS-decorated linear graphs to counting the number of label sequences, treating sequences that are reverses of each other as identical.

Each label sequence is a sequence of nn elements, where each element could possibly be any of the S|S| elements. So, there are Sn|S|^n possible label sequences.

Sequences that form a palindrome do not have a reverse that is distinct from itself. So each palindromic sequence contributes to a new isomorphism class of SS-decorated linear graphs. Sequences that do not form a palindrome have a reverse that is distinct from itself, so we must divide the number of sequences that do not form a palindrome by 22 to avoid overcounting. Thus, the number of isomorphism classes of SS-decorated linear graphs with nn vertices is

# of palindromic sequences+# of non-palindromic sequences2.\text{\# of palindromic sequences} + \frac{\text{\# of non-palindromic sequences}}{2}.

We note that the number of non-palindromic sequences can be calculated as

Sn# of palindromic sequences.|S|^n - \text{\# of palindromic sequences}.

Thus, we seek to count the number of palindromic sequences.

A palindrome is completely determined by the first half of the sequence. So for an even length sequence, the number of palindromic sequences is the same as the number of sequences of half the length. For an odd length, the number of palindromic sequences is the same as the number of sequences of half the length, except that the middle element can be any of the S|S| elements. To capture this line of reasoning, we have:

# of palindromic sequences=Sceil(n/2).\text{\# of palindromic sequences} = |S|^{\text{ceil}(n/2)}.

Therefore, the number of isomorphism classes of SS-decorated linear graphs with nn vertices is

=Sceil(n/2)+SnSceil(n/2)2=Sn+Sceil(n/2)2.=|S|^{\text{ceil}(n/2)} + \frac{|S|^n - |S|^{\text{ceil}(n/2)}}{2} \\ = \frac{|S|^n + |S|^{\text{ceil}(n/2)}}{2}.

Using this formula, we can tabulate the number of isomorphism classes of SS-decorated linear graphs with nn vertices for various nn and S|S|. Arbitrarily, we choose n=4n = 4. The results are tabulated as follows:

|SS|Number of SS-decorated isomorphism classes

Table 2. The number of isomorphism classes of SS-decorated linear graphs with 44 vertices.

From Table 2, we can conclude that as S|S| increases, the number of isomorphism classes of SS-decorated linear graphs with nn vertices increases. Introducing more elements to SS increases the number of ways to label the vertices of the linear graph, which in turn increases the number of isomorphism classes of SS-decorated linear graphs.

3.1. Counting Isomorphism Classes through Ordered List Representations

Although we have already found that the number of isomorphism classes of SS-decorated linear graphs with nn vertices is

Sn+Sceil(n/2)2 \frac{|S|^n + |S|^{\text{ceil}(n/2)}}{2}

it would still be interesting to explore how the number of isomorphism classes can be counted through the ordered list representations of the labelling functions (as defined in Definition 4.

First, we note that finding the number of ordered list representations is equivalent to finding the number of ways to choose nn elements from a set of S|S| elements with repetition. Therefore, the number of ordered list representations for l:V(G)Sl : V(G) \to S where V(G)=n|V(G)| = n is

(S+n1n).\binom{|S| + n - 1}{n}.

Next, for each of these (S+n1n)\binom{|S| + n - 1}{n} ordered list representations, we can apply Theorem 9 to determine whether the corresponding SS-decorated linear graph is in a new isomorphism class. This is equivalent to checking the number of palindromes and non-palindromes that can be made from each ordered list representation.

Thus, given an arbitrary labelling function ll, we seek to count the number of palindromes (which also would help us count the number of non-palindromes) that can be made from its ordered list representation. We consider two cases of the parity of the length of ll‘s ordered list representation which is equal to V(G)=n|V(G)| = n:

  1. Case: nn is even: For there to be a palindrome of even length, the first half of the sequence must be the reverse of the second half. This means the frequency of an element in the first half must be the same as the frequency of the same element in the second half. Thus, each distinct element in ll‘s ordered list representation must have an even frequency for there to be at least one palindrome. Else, there would be no palindromes.

    Further, since each palindrome is completely determined by the first half, the number of palindromes would be equal to the multinomial coefficient of half of the length and half of each frequency of the elements in ll‘s ordered list representation. Symbolically,

    =(n/2f12,f22,,fS2) = \binom{n/2}{\frac{f_1}{2}, \frac{f_2}{2}, \ldots, \frac{f_{|S|}}{2}}

    where each fif_i is the frequency of the iith element of SS in ll‘s ordered list representation.

  2. Case: nn is odd: The only way to form a palindrome from ll‘s ordered list representation is if exactly one element has an odd frequency and the rest have even frequencies. The one element with odd frequency can be placed in the middle of the sequence. If there is either no element with an odd frequency or more than one element with an odd frequency, then there would be no palindromes.

    If there is exactly one element with odd frequency in ll‘s ordered list representation, then the number of palindromes can be calculated by the even-length case, where the length is n1n - 1 and the frequency of the odd element is fi1f_i - 1.

To summarize, the algorithm to count the number of palindromes by ordered list representation is as follows:

  1. Iterate through each of the (S+n1n)\binom{|S| + n - 1}{n} possible ordered list representations of ll.

  2. For each ordered list representation calculate the number of palindromes:

    • Count the frequency of each element in the ordered list representation.
    • If nn is even: if there exists an element of odd frequency, the number of palindromes is 00. Else, the number of palindromes is (n/2f12,f22,,fS2)\binom{n/2}{\frac{f_1}{2}, \frac{f_2}{2}, \ldots, \frac{f_{|S|}}{2}} where each fif_i is the frequency of the iith element of SS in the ordered list representation.
    • If nn is odd: if there is more than one element with odd frequency, or there is no element with odd frequency, the number of palindromes is 00. Else, consider the even-length case where the length is n1n - 1 and the frequency of the odd element is fi1f_i - 1.
  3. For each ordered list representation: increment the running total by the number of palindromes added with the number of non-palindromes divided by 22.

    • The total number of arrangements is (nf12,f22,,fS2)\binom{n}{\frac{f_1}{2}, \frac{f_2}{2}, \ldots, \frac{f_{|S|}}{2}} where each fif_i is the frequency of the iith element of SS in the ordered list representation. So, the number of non-palindromes would be equal to (nf12,f22,,fS2)\binom{n}{\frac{f_1}{2}, \frac{f_2}{2}, \ldots, \frac{f_{|S|}}{2}} subtracted by the number of palindromes.
  4. Return the running total.

This algorithm can be used to count the number of isomorphism classes of SS-decorated linear graphs with nn vertices. The implementation of this algorithm can be found in the appendix.

4. Literature: Weisfeiler-Lehman Algorithm

When given two SS-decorated graphs (G,l)(G, l) and (G,l)(G^\prime, l^\prime), one might want to determine whether they are SS-decorated isomorphic in an efficient manner. We can observe that when S=1|S| = 1, this problem reduces to the graph isomorphism problem.

When S=1|S| = 1, all vertices are mapped to the same singleton element. So, any isomorphism between GG and GG^\prime will also preserve the SS-decoration. Thus, (G,l)(G, l) and (G,l)(G^\prime, l^\prime) are SS-decorated isomorphic if and only if GG and GG^\prime are isomorphic.

However, as stated in [2], there is no known efficient (polynomial time) algorithm for the graph isomorphism problem. If we could find an efficient polynomial time algorithm for the SS-decorated isomorphism problem, we would have also solved the graph isomorphism problem in polynomial time.

Although determining definitively whether two graphs are isomorphic is difficult, there are heuristic procedures that can be used to determine whether two graphs are not isomorphic or inconclusively isomorphic. One such example is the Weisfeiler-Lehman algorithm.

As described in [1], there are many variations of the algorithm, but in the simplest 11-dimensional form, the algorithm works as follows:

  1. Assign each vertex a color, initially based on its degree.
  2. At each subsequent iteration, update each vertex’s color based on its color in the previous iteration and the multiset of colors of its neighbors.
  3. Continue iterating until the colors stabilize, meaning that no vertex’s color changes from one iteration to the next.

Given two graphs, if the colors stabilize to different colorings, then the graphs are not isomorphic. However, if the colors stabilize to the same coloring, then the graphs may or may not be isomorphic; the answer is inconclusive. In this way, the algorithm does not completely solve the graph isomorphism problem, but it can be used as a heuristic to determine non-isomorphism.

Furthermore, this algorithm is generalizable as detailed in [1, 1.2] to higher dimensions, where higher dimensional Weisfeiler-Lehman algorithms can determine non-isomorphism for a larger class of graphs.

However, [1, 2.1] cites counterexamples to the Weisfeiler-Lehman algorithm, where the algorithm fails to determine non-isomorphism for certain classes of graphs. Hence, regardless of the dimension of the Weisfeiler-Lehman algorithm, there will always be non-isomorphic graphs for which the algorithm cannot determine non-isomorphism. This represents a fundamental limitation of the traditional Weisfeiler-Lehman algorithm.

To address this limitation, [1] introduces a recursive kk-dim Weisfeiler-Lehman algorithm. This modification refines the Weisfeiler-Lehman algorithm and is able to determine non-isomorphism for the aforementioned counterexamples.

4.1 Application to SS-Decorated Isomorphisms

The idea of finding efficient ways to determine non-isomorphism is intriguing and can be applied to the SS-decorated isomorphism problem. For example, suppose we seek to determine whether two SS-decorated graphs (G,l)(G, l) and (G,l)(G^\prime, l^\prime) are not SS-decorated isomorphic or inconclusively SS-decorated isomorphic. A potential approach is to first check whether ll and ll^\prime share the same ordered list representation as mentioned in Lemma 5. If they do not, we can safely conclude that (G,l)(G, l) and (G,l)(G^\prime, l^\prime) are not SS-decorated isomorphic. If ll and ll^\prime do share the same ordered list representation, then we can apply the recursive kk-dim Weisfeiler-Lehman algorithm to determine non-isomorphism.

Checking if two ordered lists are equal can be done efficiently. So, having this check as a preliminary step could save computation time in certain cases by avoiding the recursive kk-dim Weisfeiler-Lehman algorithm.

5. Appendix

The following is the implementation of the algorithm to count the number of isomorphism classes of SS-decorated linear graphs with nn vertices through the possible ordered list representations of the labelling functions. Comments have been added for additional explanation.

import itertools
import math
from typing import List

def multinomial_coefficient(n: int, k: List[int]) -> int:
    Compute the multinomial coefficient of n and k.
    assert sum(k) == n
    return math.factorial(n) // for i in k)

assert multinomial_coefficient(4, [2, 2]) == 6
assert multinomial_coefficient(4, [1, 1, 2]) == 12
assert multinomial_coefficient(4, [4]) == 1
assert multinomial_coefficient(7, [2, 1, 4]) == 105

def count_palindromes(k: List[int]) -> int:
    Count the number of palindromes in a list of integers.
    n = len(k)
    freqs = {x: k.count(x) for x in k}

    if n % 2 == 0:
        # n is even
        if any(x % 2 != 0 for x in freqs.values()):
            # If any number appears an odd number of times, it would be impossible to form a palindrome.
            # Since n is even, a given number should appear the same number of times on both halves of the palindrome.
            # So, for there to be a palindrome, all numbers should appear an even number of times.
            return 0
        # A palindrome is completely determined by the structure of the first half.
        # So, the number of palindromes would be the multinomial coefficient of n // 2 and half the frequency of each number.
        return multinomial_coefficient(n // 2,
                                       [x // 2 for x in freqs.values()])

    # n is odd
    odd_freqs = [x for x in freqs if freqs[x] % 2 != 0]
    # If n is odd, the only way to form a palindrome is if exactly one number appears an odd number of times.
    # We can put this number in the middle of the palindrome.
    # Then, the number of palindromes would be the number of ways to form a palindrome with the remaining numbers
    # (of which there are an even number of each).
    if len(odd_freqs) != 1:
        return 0
    return count_palindromes(k)

assert count_palindromes([1, 1, 1, 1]) == 1
assert count_palindromes([0, 0, 1, 1]) == 2
assert count_palindromes([0, 0, 0, 1]) == 0
assert count_palindromes([1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3]) == 6
assert count_palindromes([1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3]) == 6
assert count_palindromes([1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3]) == 0

def count_linear_s_decorated_iso_classes(n: int, k: int) -> int:
    Count the number of linear S-decorated isomorphism classes of linear graphs with n vertices and |S| = k.
    ordered_list_representations = itertools.combinations_with_replacement(
        range(k), n)
    iso_classes = 0
    for rep in ordered_list_representations:
        # For each ordered list representation, count the number of arrangements, treating lists that are reverses of each other as the same.
        total = multinomial_coefficient(n, [rep.count(x) for x in range(k)])
        palindromes = count_palindromes(list(rep))
        # Each arrangement is either a palindrome or non-palindrome.
        # So, we can compute the number of non-palindromes by subtracting the number of palindromes from the total.
        non_palindromes = total - palindromes

        # Each non-palindrome arrangement can be grouped with its reverse to form an isomorphism class.
        # So, the number of isomorphism classes is the sum of the number of palindromes and half the number of non-palindromes.
        iso_classes += palindromes + non_palindromes // 2
    return iso_classes

assert count_linear_s_decorated_iso_classes(4, 1) == 1
assert count_linear_s_decorated_iso_classes(11, 1) == 1
assert count_linear_s_decorated_iso_classes(4, 2) == 10
assert count_linear_s_decorated_iso_classes(3, 3) == 18

The following is a program that compares three implementations to count the number of SS-decorated isomorphism classes of linear graphs with nn vertices.

  1. Formulaic method using Sn+Sceil(n/2)2\frac{|S|^n + |S|^{\text{ceil}(n/2)}}{2}.
  2. Algorithmic method through considering possible ordered list representations using the above algorithm.
  3. Brute force method that lists through all possible lists and removes ones that are reverses of each other.

Running the code reveals that all three methods produce the same results. However, the formulaic method is the most efficient, followed by the algorithmic method, and then the brute force method.

import itertools

def remove_reversals(possible_lists):
    iso = []
    for l in possible_lists:
        is_iso = True
        for r in iso:
            if l == r[::-1] or l == r:
                is_iso = False
        if is_iso:
    return iso

def count_iso(n, k):
    possible_lists = list(itertools.product(range(k), repeat=n))
    # Remove lists that are reversals of each other
    iso = remove_reversals(possible_lists)
    return len(iso)

import algorithm
import math

n = 4

for s in range(1, 11):
    formula_ans = (s**n + s**math.ceil(n / 2)) / 2
    algorithm_ans = algorithm.count_linear_s_decorated_iso_classes(n, s)
    brute_ans = count_iso(n, s)
    print("n = ", n, "k = ", s)
    print("Formula: ", int(formula_ans))
    print("Algorithm: ", algorithm_ans)
    print("Brute: ", brute_ans)


[1] B. L. Douglas. The weisfeiler-lehman method and graph isomorphism testing. 2011.

[2] S. Fortin. The Graph Isomorphism Problem. 1996.